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Film and TV Production Services, Casting Agencies, and Casting Directors Ratings
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✪ ProductionBest has zero tolerance for unethical business practices.
✪ We collect and analyze ratings, opinions, feedback—including complaints we received—and measure performance.
✪ Bullying and harassment have no place.
✪ We fight antisemitism. No place for antisemitism.
✪ We monitor and analyze production service providers, make on-site visits, and more.
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✪ We monitor and analyze digital/online casting websites business practices.
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✪ We monitor and analyze casting agencies & casting directors—and background/extras casting agencies & casting directors—hiring/booking practices continuously to ensure fairness. ProductionBest has zero tolerance for unfair hiring practices.
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✪ Casting agencies & casting directors cannot charge upfront fees to actors in exchange for the promise of securing employment. Legitimate casting agencies & casting directors never ask for money. Report these so-called casting agencies & casting directors here.
✪ Casting workshops—online and offline—that charge actors a fee to be seen by casting directors are a scam. Report these money-hungry scammers here.
✪ Everyone should be treated with respect and dignity. Everyone should feel valued for their hard work.
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What are ProductionBest Star Ratings?
ProductionBest assigns ratings from 0 - Avoid (lowest) to 5 - Excellent (highest). We strongly DO NOT recommend service providers with lower than 3-star ratings.
0 | Avoid |
1 | Bad |
2 | Poor |
3 | Average |
4 | Great |
5 | Excellent |
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