To view the ratings and more details, just click on the casting agency/casting director. ProductionBest assigns ratings from 0 - Avoid (lowest) to 5 - Excellent (highest). We strongly DO NOT recommend background/extras casting agencies & casting directors with lower than 3-star ratings.

✪ We monitor and analyze casting agencies & casting directors—and background/extras casting agencies & casting directors—hiring/booking practices continuously to ensure fairness. ProductionBest has zero tolerance for unfair hiring practices.

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Jennifer BenderMelissa Leisure
Entertainment PartnersCentral Casting
Background Inc.Jennifer Sabel
David WaldronEbrahim Bhaiji
Everyset CastingGrant Wilfley Casting
Lucy PhoHBG Casting
Allison HallMelissa Braun
Waldron CastingExtra Extra Casting
Comer CastingRoman Candle Casting
Todd FeldmanGrant Wilfley
Erica EllingsonKee Casting
Amerifilm CastingHilary Greer
Jenny O’HaverMeredith Jacobson Marciano
Jodi Brett KippermanHouse of Talent Casting
Jennifer FeradayHudson Valley Casting
Aura CastingDeanna Gallucio Young
O’Haver Company CastingAmy Hutchings Casting
Big Apple CastingCitrola Casting
Amy Gossels CastingRita Powers Casting Group
Idell James CastingCast Partner
Todd FeldmanTony Behringer
Nikita Dolese
Nichole PorgesPaladino Casting
Alison FranckBurbank Casting
Katie Griffin CastingMichelle Gabriel
Karen E. EtcoffAngela Citrola
Lee GenickHeidi K. Eklund
Alessi Hartigan CastingHawaii Casting-on-Demand
DeLisi Creative CastingAlex Hannant
Sean DeSimone CastingAlison Watters
Mill Ticket CastingCandice Edwards-Marchrones
Angela MickeyMichael Allen
Heather ComerJennifer Peralta-Ajemian
Barbara McNamara CastingKipperman & Company
Jackie Snyder BenzStephanie DeCourcey
Belle JiaoShay Nielsen Casting
Brianne AlmeidaOhana Casting
Brooke Thomas CastingShadow Casting & Productions
Boston CastingKristian Sorge Casting
CEM CastingGood Faith Casting
Elliott GoodmanAloha Casting
Donna Grossman CastingBinder Casting
Urban Productions CastingGenuine Real People Casting
Susan Shopmaker CastingTara Rubin Casting
DreamCasters CastingKatie Major
Casting DoubleCaitlin D. Jones
Adam DeLisiDebbie DeLisi
Liz LewisTara Rubin
Rachel ReissElle Jones Casting
Gilleon Smith-MercadoJN Casting
Carolyn VolpeNefertiti Jones
Nef Jones CastingTasha Tongpreecha Casting
Neil MyerGMLV
Chad Ritterbach
CROWDshot CastingTiffany Company Casting
Hunt House Pictures Casting
Kris Hutchinson
Stephanie Klapper Casting
Stella Nova Casting
Casting TaylorMade
Esprit Casting
Asjai Lou Casting
Weeble Mountain Casting
Hamilton Casting
The Real Deal CastingDreamland Agency
In Search Of
Damian Bao Casting
Rita Powers

Actors and Background Actors/Extras!

ProductionBest is a rating platform where actors and background actors/extras can rate casting agencies and casting directors. You can anonymously rate casting agencies and casting directors right here on ProductionBest in less than two minutes.

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